The NH’s Refugee Advisory Council through the State Department of Health and Human Services has complied some resources on COVID-19 translated into the languages of many of the students and families we serve in the State of New Hampshire. The resources discuss what COVID-19 is, how to prevent it, what to do if someone is suspected of having it. The translations are available in the following languages: Nepali, Chinese, Arabic, Swahili, Burmese, French, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese and Kirundi. The documents are through the Vermont State Department, and we have been encouraged to share this information to those who could benefit from it. All the languages listed here are spoken by current NHTI students. The State Department of Health and Human Services also maintains an updated page of Self-Observation Guides and Notices on COVID-19 that include those translated into a variety of languages used by our community members, including videos in American Sign Language. Please help your students find this important information.
Arabic translation:
Burmese translation:
Chinese translation:
French translation:
Kirundi translation:
Nepali translation:
Somali translation:
Spanish translation:
Swahili translation:
Vietnamese translation:
English version: