NHTI’s vibrant 240-acre campus is located in NH’s capital city of Concord and is situated on the picturesque Merrimack River. We have residence halls, a student center, a library, a full gymnasium and fitness center, and cafeteria and food court. 

To schedule a campus visit, please contact Admissions

Not finding what you’re looking for? Email [email protected]

Campus Location

NHTI – Concord’s Community College
31 College Drive
Concord, NH  03301

Need More Info?

You can also navigate our campus or contact us using the following resources: 

Quick Contact

NHTI Social Media Channels

NHTI Lynx Official: instagram.com/nhtilynx/

Early Childhood Education Program: instagram.com/nhtiece/

Learning Commons Library: instagram.com/nhti_library/

Nursing Program: instagram.com/nhtinursing/

Radiologic Technology Program: instagram.com/nhtiradtech/

Radiation Therapy Program: instagram.com/nhtiradiation/

NHTI Lynx Official: twitter.com/nhtilynx