As part of our ongoing series that highlights NHTI alumni, the following blog post is written by Aaron Sparks, who graduated with his degree in Criminal Justice as part of the Class of 1999.
My name is Aaron Sparks and I graduated from NHTI in 1999. I have been a full-time police officer for more than 20 years, having attended the 127th New Hampshire Police Academy in 2002. I chose NHTI because it was a local college and had a great reputation. Its criminal justice program was well known and it works closely with the New Hampshire Police Academy.
I am now a sergeant for the Newbury Police Department and a part-time sergeant for the Webster Police Department. During my time at NHTI, I took a variety of courses related to criminal justice that have helped my career still to this day. Many professors had worked in this field prior and had firsthand knowledge to pass on. Many of my classmates also became law enforcement employees in various areas.
I would tell any potential student looking at NHTI to make this school a high consideration It’s a great learning environment, it’s local, and it works very well with the students and families of those of us who attend. Good luck to all the future students in your career paths!