Invest in Student Success!
At a time when New Hampshire is facing demographic challenges and a shifting economy, the work of NHTI – Concord’s Community College has never been more important or impactful on the future of our state. Supporting NHTI will make direct, positive impacts on our students, college and the Concord community.
Gifts to NHTI provide critical support for students, faculty, research, and programs across campus. Please join the growing number of alums and friends who support NHTI by making a gift today. We have many options to help NHTI remain a student and community resource now and in the future. Thank you!
NHTI Annual Fund
Formerly the President’s Fund for Excellence, gifts to the Annual Fund provide critical resources for the college leadership to directly impact a broad range of needs to support students and faculty.
Examples include addressing food insecurity via the Lynx Food Pantry, professional development for our exceptional faculty and programmatic funds to purchase technology and equipment.
NHTI Scholarship Fund
Gifts to the NHTI Scholarship Fund allow the college to maintain its unwavering commitment to providing access for all students who want to attend. These funds provide need-based financial assistance to students in good academic standing and leverage existing funds held by The Foundation for NH Community Colleges.
NHTI Athletics Fund
At NHTI, home of the Lynx, our student athletes perform at the highest levels on the playing field and in the classroom. NHTI fields 13 women’s and men’s teams, including soccer, basketball, volleyball, golf, and esports. NHTI Lynx compete for championship titles in New England and nationally. Our student athletes are consistently named All-Americans, Academic All-Americans, and YSCC League All-Stars for their outstanding athletic and academic accomplishments.
The NHTI Athletics Fund provides essential support for all sports at NHTI. Your gift is an investment in our athletes and the athletic program, funding equipment, uniforms, travel, and nutrition.
Leave a Legacy
While some donors prefer to see the impact of their philanthropy during their lifetimes, others prefer to make a gift to NHTI through their estate plans. There are many options available to help future generations of Lynx and our staff are available to have a confidential conversation with you and/or your professional advisor.
Donate by Mail
To make a gift by mail, please send a check, made out to “The Foundation for NH Community Colleges” to:
- The Foundation for NH Community Colleges
c/o Tim Allison, Executive Director
26 College Dr
Concord, NH 03301
Please include information about where you would like to make a difference with your donation!
Questions? Contact Tim Allison at [email protected] or Lisa Clark at [email protected].
Thank You for Supporting Our Students!
Contact Us:
Tim Allison
[email protected]